MC The GIGO-principle mainly relates to which aspect of the analytics process? Data selection incorrect Data transformation incorrect Data cleaning incorrect The GIGO-principle applies to all of these listed aspects correct MC Given the following decision tree:

According to the decision tree, an applicant with Income > $50.000 and High Debt=Yes is classified as: Bad Risk correct Good Risk incorrect MC The GIGO-principle mainly relates to which aspect of the analytics process? Data selection incorrect Data transformation incorrect Data cleaning incorrect The GIGO-principle applies to all of these listed aspects correct MC The aim of clustering is to come up with clusters such that the... homogeneity within a cluster is minimized and the heterogeneity between clusters is maximized. incorrect homogeneity within a cluster is maximized and the heterogeneity between clusters is maximized. correct homogeneity within a cluster is minimized and the heterogeneity between clusters is minimized. incorrect homogeneity within a cluster is maximized and the heterogeneity between clusters is minimized. incorrect MC Which statement is CORRECT? An important advantage of cloud based solutions concerns the scalability and economies of scale offered. More capacity (e.g. servers) can be added on the fly whenever needed. correct On premise solutions catalyze improved collaboration across business departments and geographical locations. incorrect When using on premise solutions, maintenance or upgrade projects may even go by unnoticed. incorrect The big footprint access to data management and analytics capabilities is a serious drawback of cloud based solutions. incorrect MC Which of the following activities are part of the post-processing step? Model interpretation and validation incorrect Sensitivity analysis incorrect Model representation incorrect All of these activities correct MC Which of the following is not an advantage of open source software for analytics? It has been thoroughly engineered and extensively tested, validated and completely documented. correct It is available for free. incorrect It can be used in combination with commercial software. incorrect A world-wide network of developers can work on it. incorrect MC What is the correct ranking of the following analytics applications in terms of maturity? Risk Analytics (most mature), Marketing Analytics (medium mature), HR Analytics (least mature). correct Risk Analytics (most mature), HR Analytics (medium mature), Marketing Analytics (least mature). incorrect HR Analytics (most mature), Marketing Analytics (medium mature), Risk Analytics (least mature). incorrect Marketing Analytics (most mature), Risk Analytics (medium mature), HR Analytics (least mature). incorrect MC Which of the following is not a risk when outsourcing analytics? The fact that all analytical activities need to be outsourced correct Dilution of competitive advantage due to e.g. mergers and acquisitions. incorrect Continuity of the partnership incorrect The exchange of confidential information incorrect MC Which of the following costs should be included in a Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) analysis? Acquisition costs incorrect Ownership and operation costs incorrect Post ownership costs incorrect All of these costs correct